Monday, July 31, 2006


ALL MY BESTIES WENT FOR OBS ALR. ): but nvm. i still got alot t accompany. :) aniho0os. i chatd w ZEKE on d phone ystr. xD he's super funny nd cute laa. LOL. den chatd w JP ; LOL. first time we talkd on d phone la. so weird. gossipg here nd dre. LOL. till ard 1145 i thk. super tired todae laa.nd super malu aso please. i keep dropg things la. LOL. raind in d morning. sooo cold please. den at inter dat time i almost slip nd fall la.! LOL. but i think no one saw. xD soo paiseh lor. aiy0. den when getg off at the sku bus stop dat time , my handphone drop on d floor. omg. out fr my bag. den got one uncle help me pickd it up. SOOO paiseh laa. ): den go skool , drop pen drop a lot things la. LOL. POA ; mrNG so crazy. PMS. den chinese. recess ; only me nd ev0n. soo pathetic la . LOL. xiaoxiao nvr come sku todae. ): sooo , aftr recess ; sci. i faild by sci test by 1 mark! ))):!!! eng , sorta free period la. msKOH givg oral. yups. joke ard w andre ; jojo ; jzehue nd yuenmei. super funny please. jojo & i was laughing like dres no tmr nd over the slightest stupid joke laa.LOL. dose stupid till d end of the universal jokes ; craps. LOL. den had assembly. mdmLEE tellg us abt the poly jc thingy. wad course nd stufs. i dun even knw wad course shud i take , i wnar b counsellor! xD haas. aftr sku , luchd w fong.sat at the stone table. i wonder why peepo likes t sit there. d distance btwn d chair nd table like soo far la. LOL. den went for co . mrYANG super good please ; he praised d 5 of us ; GREATTT.!! (((: den was crapg ard w fong nd junguo. break dat time more funny please. cindy nd yunita kept on callg JJ. so me nd siewfong playd ard la. make stupid noise when we pickd up. was laughg like hell oks! wantd t say those stufs like [ sorry , the number u jst call is ntg use . thank you ] nd more stupid stufs la. but we jst made weird noise. like beep nd stufs den hang XD . dey damn disgustg la. =x LOL. den aftr co , fong accompanied me back t tpy nd waitd for bus.she's sucha sweetie please. (: nd i saw this girl . i carn rmb she is the i dun like girl. or the got super duper handsome boifren girl. LOL. den the bus sooo mani ppl la. & i saw this super familiar aunty. carn rmb whr i met her b4. until she got off the same stop as me. haas. she walk super fast laa. like she's rushg for the toilet please. see the face like so attitude la. BLEH. yups. back hm. nw gta do my chi nd generate ideas for my d&t )):!!! tilllllll thennnnnn folks.

heys my CHEEKY BOYYFRENDDD. ure nt frgtn please. but ure oweas soo busy w sooo many things la. we seldom have the time t talk heart t heart please. )): anw , dun stress urself too much. im waitg for ur new hairstyle peeeeks. (: take care dear one! (: rmb , ure NOT frgtn by ME. (: L0VESSSSS. huggs! (:


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